Preview: 340B Coalition Winter Conference 2024

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Preview: 340B Coalition Winter Conference 2024

 January 2024

"2024 will be an incredibly important year for 340B. But not without you."

Change happens every day in pharmacy, particularly for the 340B program. Some years, however, 
just feel bigger than others. For many in our 340B community, 2024 feels different.

That's why we're counting down the days until 340B Coalition's *20th!* annual Winter Conference, January 29-31, 2024, in San Diego.


CPS helps 340B program participants find solutions for their pressing challenges

According to conference organizers, the past few years have brought us "worsening restrictions for access to 340B savings, leading to financial losses to the health care safety net and harm to people who rely on it." At the same time, "lawmakers, health policy influencers, and media outlets have increased scrutiny of 340B and the ways that covered entities use their savings."

These are trends we know well, though glimmers of progress are shining through, as one of our 340B experts, Dr. Dennis Killian, recently shared. Though "headwinds are picking up for 340B program participants, some covered entities are innovating to stand firm and thinking creatively to maintain funding for vital safety net care," he said.

Here's where many of our partners are seeing opportunity:

  • Growing in-house, entity owned pharmacy and specialty pharmacy services.
  • Evaluating data to optimize 340B ESP usage.
  • Streamlining referral capture to bolster 340B program impact.
Breakfast on Tuesday, January 30
Attend Lessons from the Field, Part 1, to hear Dr. Killian's session on "Navigating HRSA 340B Program Audits"

Dr. Killian is eager to share more with attendees in San Diego. This year, he will return to the 340B Coalition Winter Conference stage to present "Navigating HRSA 340B Program Audits" during the 340B Lessons from the Field Session, Part 1. 

During the Tuesday breakfast session in San Diego AB, he will share practical strategies to help you enhance HRSA audit preparedness. It's a topic that's pressing for many 340B stakeholders, as Dr. Killian and Heather Erickson recently discussed in 340B Report.

340B experts discuss HRSA audit preparedness.

Booth #315 
Visit the CPS booth to discuss specialty pharmacy growth and your 340B program

As contract pharmacy restrictions mount and community health needs become more acute, we know many of you are also interested in exploring specialty pharmacy growth. We're eager to discuss this topic in San Diego, too.

Our experts will be there to share insights and growth strategies from our specialty pharmacy network. We'll also be talking results: Studies show health system specialty pharmacy teams can deliver significant financial and clinical results: Care teams are happier, more 340B savings can be captured, and patient outcomes are markedly better.

Studies show specialty pharmacy teams improve clinical and financial performance. Care teams are happier, more 340B savings can be captured, and patient outcomes improve.

The specialty pharmacy growth strategy is working so well that some are even adding to their programs.

Several of our partners have bolstered their specialty pharmacy programs with services to help patients with more common chronic conditions navigate therapy. Specialty pharmacy teams are also enhancing pharmacy care management with sophisticated technologies (like TherigySTM), which drives better patient outcomes.

While we can't predict how the year will unfold, we can start it off on the right foot. We hope you will make plans to join us at the conference, whether at Dr. Killian's session, at the CPS booth (#315), or at one of the conference's many networking events. See you in San Diego!

Connect With Us at the Conference

Meet CPS' experts
Need more support for your 340B program? Exploring specialty pharmacy growth? Our experts can help.

A dozen experts from Team CPS will be in San Diego to help with all of your 340B program questions and needs. Visit us at Booth #315 to meet with one of our experts and to take the next step toward success. Here's who will be there:

CPS experts attending 340B Coalition Winter Conference340B Coalition Winter Conference Attendees

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