Using Data & Reporting to Improve Specialty Pharmacy Operations

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Using Data & Reporting to Improve Specialty Pharmacy Operations

For specialty pharmacies, data is critical to every aspect of operations. But as a catch-22, the high volume of data can become overwhelming if it’s not harnessed and organized. With the right tools and systems, specialty pharmacies can reduce errors, improve patient care and third-party relationships, aid data governance, and ultimately become more efficient.

Better Patient Care

Specialty pharmacy patients are some of the most vulnerable. For these individuals, it’s critical that their complex treatment plans and care provider relationships are managed seamlessly, with no room for human error or the ability for critical information to slip through the cracks.

To do this, a holistic strategy is needed: the ability to systematically address patient management capabilities like health information and ongoing monitoring, while simultaneously managing the complex relationships between third parties like physicians and payers.

Specialized technology platforms offer an “all-in-one” solution to collecting and organizing data for meaningful and targeted patient care solutions.

Maximizing Efficiency

A strategic focus on data and reporting can help with internal as well as external efficiencies. Internally, this data can be used to optimize sales and customer relations efforts, allowing the ability to drilldown on the most pertinent data. Externally, high efficiency rates bode well during the process where pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), pharma companies, and payers use this information to determine participation in limited networks.

When this information is automated and streamlined, the analytics and reporting process becomes more efficient. This, in turn, equips specialty pharmacies with the resources they need to maximize efficiency internally as well as in the industry as a whole.

Accreditation and Compliance

Accreditation used to be viewed as something of a “bonus” for a specialty pharmacy’s credibility. However, in the pharma landscape that’s rapidly evolving, specialty pharmacies are finding it increasingly tougher to earn limited drug distribution (LDD) contracts and partner with payers if they haven’t received at least one accreditation. Industry experts now say that accreditation is all but mandatory in order to succeed.

However, the accreditation process can be taxing. Specialty pharmacies must show systems and processes that maintain quality of care, customer service, customer satisfaction, treatment accuracy, and a number of other key metrics. And, often, they must be able to demonstrate these measures at a moment’s notice for accreditation surveys.

In addition to making these business and customer relationships better, a holistic data and reporting system helps specialty pharmacies get one step closer to the accreditation they need to thrive.

TherigySTM for Better Data Management

TherigySTM offers best-in-class integrations and clinical workflows, with customized data and reporting options to cater to each organization’s needs.

Take a look at some of TherigySTM’s data and reporting features:

  • Pre-configured drug and disease-specific clinical protocols, content, and algorithms
  • Assessments designed with answer-based branching logic
  • Standardized data capture using radio buttons, checkboxes, and dropdown lists
  • Integrations with major dispensing systems and data warehouses
  • Advanced customization toolbox, including an assessment manager, content developer, and protocol builder
  • Large library of report templates provided by Therigy
  • Custom reports can be saved to a private report library
  • Data may be “sliced and diced” in any way necessary to report to payers, manufacturers, PAP programs, and prescribers
  • Export to Excel® or Access® for further analysis or to prepare custom charts and graphs

To learn more about how TherigySTM can improve your specialty pharmacy operations, read more here, and contact us for your free demo.


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