3 Must-See Things: 340B Coalition Summer Conference

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3 Must-See Things: 340B Coalition Summer Conference

July 2023

It’s hard to believe 340B Coalition’s Summer Conference is almost here! It feels like we just wrapped up our booth from March’s show.

Although it may seem like the year is flying by, the past few months since the winter show have been nothing short of eventful. The 340B Coalition’s Summer Conference can’t come soon enough. We’re eager to rejoin our covered entity colleagues in Washington, D.C., for several days of strategizing, learning, and growing.

While the event has something for everyone, there are several happenings you won’t want to miss. Here’s a list of our favorites:

    1. Stamford Health’s in-house specialty pharmacy success story: As contract pharmacy policies expand, it’s wise for you to evaluate and explore new options for specialty medication management. For many covered entities, that means building or growing an in-house specialty pharmacy. CPS partner, Stamford Health, an early adopter of the in-house specialty pharmacy model, will show you how it’s done. Stamford’s head of pharmacy business will share its specialty pharmacy success story and transformational results during an educational panel on Tuesday, July 11 at 4 p.m.
    2. Share breakfast and 340B program growth lessons with your peers: Also on Tuesday, join our team and a community of your colleagues for breakfast and a strategy session focused on 340B program growth. One of our 340B program experts—Daniel Aubuchon—will join a panel of the industry’s best minds to help you identify your next initiative. From compliance readiness to pharmacy management fine-tuning, we’ll share how our hundreds covered entity partners are overcoming obstacles to grow their vital community services. Join us in the Cherry Blossom ballroom Tuesday morning, July 11, at 7:15 a.m.
    3. Get expert advice for your most pressing 340B program challenge: If you’re worried about your 340B program performance, let’s meet up for coffee and a conversation. Many of our Apexus Certified Experts will be at the event and ready to offer real-world insights to help you maximize 340B savings just like:

      →  One of our FQHC partners that teamed with us to improve ESP reporting, which resulted in $1M+ in new revenue and improved operational efficiencies.

      →  Two covered entity partners who are generating $40k in new monthly revenue thanks to CPS’s referral capture solution.

      →  Many of our specialty pharmacy partners, which have built or grown thriving in-house services generating covered entities millions of dollars in savings for patient services and improving patient care.

      →  All of our TherigySTM partners who were able to enhance their specialty pharmacy performance, helping their patients receive $410M+ in financial assistance last year.

Contact us to arrange a meeting or drop by our booth, #417, in the exhibit hall.

Can’t make it to the conference this year? Let’s connect virtually. Learn more here.


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