Outcomes Study: Publication Rates of PGY-2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Residency Projects and Perceived Barriers/Value to Publication

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Outcomes Study: Publication Rates of PGY-2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Residency Projects and Perceived Barriers/Value to Publication


  • Research activities strengthen the resident’s time management skills, enhance written and verbal communication, and improve problem-solving abilities
  • Residents are required to write a manuscript at the end of residency, but submission of the manuscript for publication is not required
  • It is estimated that 10-15% of PGY-1 pharmacy residents are published, with studies citing publication rates as low as 1.8%
  • Publication rates are not increasing despite increased numbers of PGY-1 residencies
  • Currently, there are no publications describing the publication rate of PGY-2 psychiatric pharmacy residency research
  • Benefits of publishing include:
    • Professional recognition
    • Contributing to current literature
    • Networking opportunities
    • Knowledge of the research publication process


Primary Outcome

  • Determine publication rates of PGY-2 psychiatric pharmacy practice residency projects based on poster abstracts presented at the annual meeting of the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (CPNP)

Secondary Outcomes

  • Determine characteristics associated with published residency projects
  • Describe publication trends, journal type, and average time to publication
  • Determine residency program directors (RPD) perceived barriers to publication of PGY-2 psychiatric pharmacy practice resident research projects
  • Determine RPDs perceived value to publication of PGY-2 psychiatric pharmacy practice resident research projects


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