Outcomes Study: Evaluating the Impact of a Hepatitis C Collaborative Practice Agreement Utilized by a Health-System Specialty Pharmacy

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Outcomes Study: Evaluating the Impact of a Hepatitis C Collaborative Practice Agreement Utilized by a Health-System Specialty Pharmacy


  • In 2019, the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) - Infectious Diseases Society of America (ISDA) updated their guideline recommendations advocating for a multidisciplinary team of providers involved in the treatment of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) to increase access to care.
  • This reframing of the HCV care continuum has compelled innovative practice models for clinical pharmacists. The current wait time for HCV treatment can take 6 12 weeks or longer from the time of provider referral to a gastroenterology appointment for HCV treatment consideration, resulting in delayed labs and therapy starts.
  • Health system specialty pharmacies (HSSP) can bridge this gap by prescribing HCV treatment through collaborative practice agreements (CPAs).


Evaluate the impact of a HSSP CPA by decreasing the time to the start of treatment for HCV access to care.


Read about the team's findings by downloading the Outcomes Study below.


Download the abstract:


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