CPS Webinar: Addressing Revenue Leakage Through Referral Capture

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CPS Webinar: Addressing Revenue Leakage Through Referral Capture

Date: Thursday, December 16th, 2021

In this webinar, the CPS 340B Solutions team reviews the Referral Capture process while exploring the value that covered entities can access by improving their capture of qualified prescriptions from specialist visits.   Simultaneously, covered entities can bolster their external networks and improve the efficiency of their programs.

Topic: Addressing Revenue Leakage Through Referral Capture (21.12)

Establishing a referral prescription capture program enables covered entities to broaden the reach of their 340B Drug Discount Program by ensuring patients are retained by the covered entity when they utilize specialists who are outside of their physician network.

• Explore 340B program optimization efforts - including how covered entities can get the most from their referral capture efforts

• Review each step in the Referral Capture Roadmap - outlining how the process is implemented

• Hear how one health system captured more than $1 million during an eight-month period


Dennis Killian
Senior Consultant, 340 Solutions

Todd Hudnall
Senior Vice President, Business Development


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