"Enhancing Quality of Life by Transitioning from an Intravenous Infusion Treatment to a Self-Administered Medication in a Health System Specialty Pharmacy (HSSP) Setting," was presented at ISPOR 2024.
The authors: Jennifer Nickele, PharmD; Mitchel Riddell; Kathy Canup, PharmD; Amber Skrtic, PharmD, CSP, AAHIVP; Zel Skrtic, PharmD; Jessica Mourani, PharmD; Casey Fitzpatrick, PharmD; Carly Giavatto, PharmD; Ana Lopez Medina, PharmD.
The background: Self-administered medications may be more practical for patients living with autoimmune conditions and receiving intravenous (IV) medications for treatment. However, there is limited evidence about patients’ perspectives on self-administrated versus provider-administered IV infusion, as well as how HSSP pharmacists can facilitate this transition.
The study's objectives:
Describe how HSSP pharmacists can help patients transition from provider-administered IV infusions to self-administered medications.
The impact: More self-administered medications are arriving to market, and HSSP teams are well-positioned to support patient adoption of these novel therapies. The findings help HSSP teams understand how they can transition patients to self-administered therapies while maintaining optimal quality of life.
The findings: Download the poster below to learn more.