
Outcomes Study: Implementing Targeted Adherence Outreach for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Identified as At Risk of Nonadherence

Written by admin | Oct 10, 2024 2:57:59 PM

Members of our team had the opportunity to present a new poster abstract at the NASP 2024 Annual Meeting held October 6 – 9.



Lily Duong, PharmD | Courtney Smith, PharmD | Josh Bastian, MBA | Pranit Kedarisetty | Khang Tran, PharmD | Abbas Dewji, PharmD | Andrew Wash, PharmD, PhD | Ana I. Lopez-Medina, PharmD, PhD​



  • Uncontrolled rheumatoid arthritis (RA) poses a significant risk for patients, including increased disease activity and healthcare costs. 1
  • Although a variety of treatment options are available, medication nonadherence remains an issue.1
  • Traditional strategies to address nonadherence are reactive in that they wait for nonadherence to occur before intervening.​
  • Specialty pharmacies provide clinical care to patients and gather data that can be used to predict outcomes like nonadherence, allowing pharmacists to proactively perform interventions to promote adherence rather than correct nonadherence.


  • To demonstrate the implementation of targeted adherence outreach based on a risk stratification model used to predict nonadherence risk in patients with RA in a specialty pharmacy setting.​


Read about the team’s findings by downloading the outcomes study below.